Product Description
Features included in our NEW Ad-Free Keepsake Edition:
- Re-Creation Outdoor Adventure: Crystal Visions From Alaska –by Brian Heaphy
- Birding Adventure: Bayou Deview –by Bobby Harrison
- Creation Up Close: The Intricacy of Snow –by Brandy Dixon
- Creatures Near and Dear to Us: Working Dogs - by Dori Herndon
- Creation Day 3 of the Creation Story: Land and Plants –by Stan Hudson
- Creation Highlights and Creation Stewardship news briefs
- My Walk with God: From Crisis to Caress Amid the Waves –by Brannon Shortt
- Gardens from Eden: Gardening for God’s Glory –by Nicolas Massey
- Genesis Cuisine: Pomegranate Delight Recipes –Pomegranate Salad-Stiffed Chiles, Persian Walnut Pomegranate Stew, & Pomegranate Pudding Parfaits.
- Children's Story: A Blizzard of Hope –by Carla Woods-Hoyt
- Creation Character Building Lesson: God Sends Snow –by Terry McComb
- New Coloring & Photo Contests for all ages
- Photo and Coloring Contest winners
- Study Guide, Winter Family Fun Activities
- Poetry: I See the Snow –by Shiloh Jerome (poetry winner)
- And more!. . .